NEW! Thule Boxter Cargo Box on Audi A3

21 03 2009

We’ve recently got in the new Thule Cargo box, the Boxster! It’s an awesome looking cargo box that seems to look great on all vehciles due to the 2 tone grey and black metallic paints. Since receiving the product it has out sold all other cargo boxes in our range and has taken the place of the Thule Spirit as their premium box. Have a look below at one we put on an Audi A3 earlier today.

Thule Boxster Cargo Box on Audi A3

Thule Boxster Cargo Box on Audi A3

The Boxster has a sleek design and is very aerodynamic, this combined with a dual-side opening reinforced lid and redesigned lid lifters make it easy to use and as good looking as any box on the market. The styling and function make this a great purchase and Thule’s lifetime warranty means you get piece of mind.

Thule Boxster cargo box on an Audi A3 (rear)

Thule Boxster cargo box on an Audi A3 (rear)